A Real Estate Appraisal Service
for the Puget Sound Region

The Seattle Space Needle and Mt Rainier keep watch over the Puget Sound Region

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An appraisal can help you get it built... We can tell you what your home will be worth before it exists... and when it is built, an appraisal will help you refinance it...
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Documents For Sound Appraisal Staff

Authorized persons may download the following licenses, resumes, and other forms for your convenience.

The forms may be viewed with the Adobe Acrobat viewer. If you don't have it you can download it here.

Puget Sound appraiser

Don Pearsall djpresume.pdf djplicense10.pdf djpe&o10.pdf

If you are not familiar with these forms, feel free to call or email and we will explain their uses.


Sound Appraisal
A division of Sound Real Estate LLC
11017 124th St. Ct. East
Puyallup, WA 98374
Phone (206) 714-2004, Fax (425) 642-8102